My Role Matters
In the United States, at least 2 million people acquire serious infections with multiple drug resistant (MDR) pathogens, and 23,000 of those individuals die each year as a direct result. The My Role Matters Campaign is a call-to-action for all Healthcare, Animal and Product Safety Professionals to understand the impact their role plays in this epidemic by creating education and awareness around the issue of resistance.

The creation of traditional and digital creative provides support for the bioMérieux team to promote the My Role Matters campaign through various trade shows and educational tours throughout the United States, while creating organic awareness online in a grassroots manner (mainly awareness through education). The mission is to educate key Stakeholders by assisting in their comprehension in detecting, reducing and preventing the development of AMR as the key to fighting this growing threat.

Antibiotic Resistance Awareness
To assist with this educational goal, the creation of a detailed infographic provided the ability to visually communicate important statistical information in an easily comprehensible manner, while gaining memorable knowledge within the intended audiences. This graphical piece has been utilized as handouts, online downloads and distribution and throughout social media channels.

Take The Pledge Today
www.myrolematters.comTo complement the overall awareness goals, audiences were encouraged via the website to take the My Role Matters pledge. The pledge encourages them accept their role in creating awareness and educating their peers so that together they could fight antimicrobial resistance. With a responsive design, audiences could take and share this pledge on their preferred display output (mobile, tablet, or desktop).